Sunday, February 12, 2012

Leaving Anusara

Several years ago John told me to get stronger.  I did.  I worked hard and learned to live in my own heart, rather than on the periphery of my own life.  I'm now strong enough to do the right thing, no matter how painful.  And this is painful.  I keep hoping I'm wrong in what I know and what I must do, but my heart keeps telling me that I am right.  It is testament to all I have received within Anusara that I can be so sure and stand strong in that truth. I will always be grateful to John for creating a space in which I could grow and to the community for receiving me in love.

Since the truth of John Friend's mis-conducts came out, I have wanted nothing more than for it to be false.  I hoped it wasn't as bad as all that.   I hoped it was just some financial and private transgressions.  Then I hoped it could all be worked out in the restructuring process. But, there was more to it than that.  John not only jeopardized the good name of this elegant and refined system, but has victimized women by offering "sex therapy."  Now that all hope is gone, all that remains is the truth before me.  And when I resign myself to that truth, my only choice becomes to resign my license with Anusara.  

The only way to serve my community fully, and in good conscience ask you to trust in my integrity as a teacher and human being is to step out from under this shadow that bears over me, and to stand in my own light.  I stand behind Anusara, but I can no longer stand behind John Friend.  I remain a certified Anusara Instructor but I am severing ties with the organization that holds John Friend in its arms. What I have received remains with me and I couldn't be prouder to be a part of such a vibrant and powerful community.  My belief in the system and all I have in my heart remains unwavering, as does my dedication to serving my community of students and fellow teachers.  I will continue to offer you my highest and remain ever in your service.

With deepest gratitude,



  1. Blessings to you Lara. Support and respect for living your truth, completely and fully, no matter how hard. You are strong, and I also see how much love and sensitivity is held in that strength.

  2. Thank you so much for your honesty and strength Lara. It means the world to me. May I ask you what it means to remain a certified Anusara teacher but to sever ties with the organization? I don't think I understand. Much gratitude for your grace.

    1. Glad to respond. The certification that any teacher receives is theirs. What we have signed in agreement with Anusara, Inc. was a licensing agreement, not a contract regarding certification. So, even though we sever our agreements, the certification and credential is ours. But we can no longer use Anusara as our means of promotion. There are more details about it, but that's the nutshell.

  3. Lara, you are doing a brave thing. I did it this morning myself. Love to you.

    1. Susan, much love and respect to you. Stand tall in the lightof your own heart and it will guide you.

  4. For me all hope is not lost. Is see all of this as a way for the community to grow stronger and more outspoken, for yoga to grow into a new healthier paradigm, and for this community of strong women and men to lead the way.

  5. the buddhist in me tells me that everything is on "your own shoulders" ... everything and buddha's job is just to act like a teacher, you've to do the work.

    in the same Anusara is much the same, a vehicle for you to learn and grow. like all vehicles, the time comes when we need a new one.

    congratulations on having the courage, sorry I'm late to the party
